Thursday, June 29, 2006
“He’s been passionate both about completing the work here at ‘Imiloa and about making it first-rate,” said Peter B. Giles, executive director of ‘Imiloa. “As with most projects of this scope, there are just a lot of loose ends to be taken care of and Scott is very attentive about that. “He’s also been a personal supporter of the center. He and his wife and family are members, and we are gratified that someone who was so closely involved in the design of the center would become a member, as well.” Fleming and his wife, Heather, have four daughters: Hannah, 13; Anastasia, 11; Lillian, 2; and Katherine, 3 months. “We go to see the planetarium show and attend some special events,” Fleming said. “Frankly, it’s one of the few places we can go in Hilo and all of us can find something to do. It’s an excellent facility and I can’t wait to see more visitors turn out to see it. The ‘Imiloa Center, aside from being the premier scientific educational resource in Hawaii, is a fantastic building with very compelling architecture that tells a story all on its own.” Fleming was nominated for PBN’s “Forty Under 40” by Mel Choy, architect in charge of Durrant’s Honolulu office. “Frankly, I was very, very surprised,” Fleming said. “More so considering the fact that I have only been in Hawaii for less than two years and I’m a relative newcomer from the mainland. Frankly, when I found out about the nomination, I didn’t think there was much of a possibility of being chosen, because Hilo and the Big Island are very localized communities and it generally takes a long time to become established here.” Fleming says that he would like to get more involved in the Hilo community. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer and has worked with his mother, a nurse, with Doctors and Nurses Without Borders. He has also been involved in Habitat for Humanity and says he would like to work again with the group, which helps economically disadvantaged people build and move into their own homes. “You can’t find the words for something like that,” he said. “I understand the feeling, though, because my wife and I have just found our home. It’s an 80-year-old plantation home. For the past six to nine months, we’ve spent every day renovating it. Now it’s comfortable, safe and clean and what not, so I can really understand the effort it takes to get something built, for other people and for myself, too.” Fleming, who before Durrant was a partner in a two-person firm he helped found in the Bay Area, said that coming to Hilo was both an easy decision and the right move to make. “We lived in the same place for five years and never knew our neighbors on either side of us,” he said. “We come here to Hilo, and literally, in the first day, complete strangers are helping us in every way possible. It’s just been a common theme of the time we’ve lived in Hilo. “My wife and I sensed that when we came here on vacation many years ago. We thought, ‘Boy, it would be great to live here.’ And it’s proven to be true.”